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Tonight, we have the internal party at les Ponts. Even if it is not 31st of October, the theme is Halloween! Besides, some students were supposed to help the BDE to organize the party. What is the link with the garden you’ll say. As the organization including decorations, we needed to prepare pumpkins. Here we are: the reason Justine and I went to the jardin Pontanic today, is that we had a lot of rubbish after having dug out the heart of the pumpkin. Therefore, Justine had the clever idea to throw it in the composter.

I must admit I never think of throwing my organic garbage in a compost bin. Once, I tried to take this habit, but the thing is that to be efficient, it is needed to be careful about what is thrown out, what I was not enough. Indeed, the first goal of a composter is to add value to waist by turning it into a natural fertilizer. To do so, it is important to avoid to dispose of fat items, bones, treated vegetables,… Compost bin is conceived only for your little organic rubbish, in small quantities.

Besides, not only using a composter contributes to keep a beautiful garden, arable and flourishing, but it is also a way to reduce the quantities of rubbish for free and as an eco-friendly citizen.

It is said that practicing composting may help reducing waist production by 40kg per habitants per year. By the way, in France, the production of rubbish represents 460 kg/hab/an.


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